· Insemine · Center for Human Reproduction · Team ·
Luciana Fabian Guedes da Luz

Luciana Fabian Guedes da LuzHuman Reproduction · CRM 21603


Physician graduated from UFRGS, with medical residency at HCPA with emphasis on Human Reproduction, and a specialization degree from the University of Barcelona. She was an employee of the obstetrical center of the Mãe de Deus Hospital until 2005, standing out in the care of high risk patients, currently working in private practice and as a physician in the Porto Alegre’s City Hall.

learn how our treatments work


In artificial insemination we control ovulation through ultrasound to determine the fertile period.

At the right time the semen is collected by masturbation at the clinic, prepared and inseminated in the uterus.

Inseminação Artificial

IVFin-vitro Fertilization

One of the most used techniques of assisted reproduction, popularly known as "test tube baby".

FIV - Fertilização in vitro

ICSIIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

The treatment steps are exactly the same as for IVF. The decision to perform ICSI or not is technical and does not change the treatment for the patient.

ICSI - Injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoide


This procedure makes it possible to select an embryo before it is transferred to the uterus.

Pre-implantation Diagnosis


Egg freezing is recommended for women who wish to preserve their fertility so they can have children in the future.

Egg Freezing

Porto Alegre | RS | Brazil

Av. Plínio Brasil Milano, 162

mapa *55 (51) 3331 1388 contato@insemine.com

insemine · Vale dos Sinos

Novo Hamburgo | RS | Brazil

Av. Dr. Maurício Cardoso, 872 | Sala 42
Hamburgo Velho

mapa +55 (51) 3066 1637 vale@insemine.com