· Insemine · Center for Human Reproduction · Vasectomy Reversal ·

vasectomy reversal

It is recommended for men who wish to father a child and have performed a vasectomy. The technique used is a microsurgical technique, to join the vas deferens again.

The success of vasectomy reversal depends on many factors. Perhaps the most important is the time between vasectomy and reversal (we know that the result is very good when the reversal is performed within 5 years, it gets worse over the years, and this result is very bad after 15 years vasectomy). Patients who underwent vasectomy more than 15 years ago, are advised to undergo surgical extraction of spermatozoa and in vitro fertilization.

Both the vasectomy reversal and the epididymis sperm extraction are effective and have very specific indications.

With the refinement of the microsurgery techniques, we obtained better results for the patients, allowing 90% of the men submitted to the reversal to have spermatozoa in the ejaculate and the pregnancy rate of the partner over 50%.

learn how our treatments work


In artificial insemination we control ovulation through ultrasound to determine the fertile period.

At the right time the semen is collected by masturbation at the clinic, prepared and inseminated in the uterus.

Inseminação Artificial

IVFin-vitro Fertilization

One of the most used techniques of assisted reproduction, popularly known as "test tube baby".

FIV - Fertilização in vitro

ICSIIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

The treatment steps are exactly the same as for IVF. The decision to perform ICSI or not is technical and does not change the treatment for the patient.

ICSI - Injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoide


This procedure makes it possible to select an embryo before it is transferred to the uterus.

Pre-implantation Diagnosis


Egg freezing is recommended for women who wish to preserve their fertility so they can have children in the future.

Egg Freezing

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Av. Dr. Maurício Cardoso, 872 | Sala 42
Hamburgo Velho

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